Factors to Consider When Choosing a Transcription Software Provider

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Transcription Software Provider

Transcription software is becoming more popular owing to increased accuracy, cost-effectiveness, and smart collaboration features. Transcription software is now a necessary tool in all these domains, including sales, marketing, human resources, legal, and education. However, picking the best transcription software can be difficult with many transcription tools and services. This comprehensive guide will teach you everything you need to know about transcription software, including what it is, how it works, and how to choose the best one.

Custom Dictionaries

Custom dictionaries allow you to add specific words and phrases to your transcription software. This is useful when identifying speakers and adding tags to your transcript. Some programs automatically identify speakers, but others require you to input speaker names manually. To get around this problem, you can use a custom dictionary.

Custom dictionaries are especially useful for qualitative research. However, to get accurate results, you must ensure you’ve transcribed the most relevant text. Though speech recognition software has become more advanced, you’ll still need to double-check important texts and phrases. Custom dictionaries also have another benefit. They can act as an exception list for built-in detectors. You can also use them to augment built-in information-type detectors.

Turnaround Time

Turnaround time is an important consideration when choosing transcription software. It is important to select a service that offers a quick turnaround time and high accuracy. It is also important to remember that quality audio files can significantly reduce transcription turnaround time. Audio files that contain just a few distinct voices will take less time to transcribe than those with a high volume of voices.

Several transcription services are available for transcription, each with unique features and capabilities. Make sure you choose software that has powerful features that will benefit you. A good service will offer a turnaround time of 6-12 hours. However, this can vary depending on your geographic location and time zone.

Turnaround time can also vary between programs, but it is important to consider the audio file’s quality. Audio files that contain an accent will take longer to transcribe. Strong accents require more listening time from the transcriber and will often require several listening sessions. A clear, uninterrupted recording will normally take two to four hours to complete. Using a sub-par recording device will also slow the process.


When choosing a transcription software provider, you should look for a secure website. Ensure that the URL begins with HTTPS (Secure Sockets Layer), which encrypts the connection between your web browser and web server, ensuring your data is protected. You can also look for a padlock icon confirming the website’s security.

Choosing a transcription software provider with a secure platform is essential because outsourcing your transcription needs to a third party puts your company at risk. Many transcription providers are not experienced in ensuring privacy and security. Some of them may require verification before they can provide you with your finished transcript. Additionally, many companies let you print out your documents if you prefer.

In addition to ensuring that your data is secure, you should consider encrypting your files. You may also want to ask whether your transcription provider stores encrypted data and whether it can be deleted upon request. Also, you should check to see if the transcription service provider offers HIPAA-compliant security.